Sunday, July 1, 2018

Refreshment For My Soul

Well, here we are! July, Summer, Beaches, Lakeside, Picnics, BBQ, Swimming, Hiking, Camping and enjoying the Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer! Our privilege to enjoy because of the sacrifice of our Savior. Our responsibility for the privilege is to live by His guiding principles. “I will walk around freely because I sought out your guiding principles.” (God’s Word translation) 
We will focus on the freedoms of our faith for the month of July. And today we are privileged to share one of the freedoms of putting God’s Word into action as experienced by my dear friend Beth Swain

2018 Update: Beth received her healing at the feet of Jesus on August 30th, 2015, just two short months after writing this post for us. Her number is still the first contact that comes up on my phone, I am still privileged to visit with her much loved Dr. Tolaney when I go for my 6 month cancer checks at Dana Farber and I will be forever grateful that God allowed her to be there for me when I was first diagnosed. She was a force as a prayer warrior, medical resource and comforter in those first few weeks of so much uncertainty. She is greatly missed by her family, friends and loved ones, and it is such a comfort to know that we will, one day, be together again praising our Lord and King and free of the heartache, pain and uncertainty of cancer. Thank You Jesus.  

His Word: “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:2-3
Observation and Obedience: If you are reading this post, chances are you have a cancer diagnosis or know someone who does. Perhaps you are a caregiver, encourager, or friend and know the pain and heartache involved with the diagnosis. When the doctor says “It’s cancer”, all we thought was important in our lives was thrown into a new light.  We cross over a bridge we may never have chosen for ourselves or loved ones as an internal change takes place. One which, in the natural realm, most likely would not be defined as “peace”.
It is here, in this crossing, that we can come to know and understand God’s love and provisions in a new way and realize what we care about most deeply. Todays scripture contains a beautiful promise- one of quiet refreshment.  God, the One who knows where our lives are heading, provides the still waters where He will refresh our souls. So how, in this crazy, scary, cancer world of scan anxiety, chemotherapy side effects, disfiguring surgery and dreaded medical reports can we experience His refreshment?
I believe scripture richly encourages us to actively seek His quiet waters, to purposely lay down our burdens and treasure quiet time in communion with Him in our place of “still waters”. But what could that possibly look like in this world of job demands, family obligations, financial distress, not to mention doctors appointments and drug side effects? 
Thankfully, God already has the provision for us.  We just need to visit our restorative place daily where we can go in solitude and dip our toes into that beautiful cleansing stream of still waters and quietly seek and purposely listen for the voice of our Good Shepard. Your “quiet water” may look like time spent on a hammock listening to the breeze in the summer leaves, a quiet walk, moments of peace on a porch chair listening to the birds, or it may be an indoor place where you can find a few minutes of solitude. We can enter into His rest, unhurried in seclusion and silence, while seeking that much needed holy communion with our Good Shepard, who waits to refresh and restore our souls. 
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help me to find your green pastures and quiet waters today and take the time to meet You there. Speak to my heart and soothe my restless mind. I stand on the words of Jesus when He said “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. You God, have loved me and provided for my every need before I even realize it. Thank You for the freedom you offer from the pain and anxiety, if I will only depend on Your ways above my own. More of You and less of me. Amen.
Encouragement: “For I have have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing” Jeremiah 31:25
Thank you Beth for sharing your heart.

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