Our Story......Continues

Tonia Curtis Harrison                                                                        Sharon Curtis Surman                    
As of September 8, 2017, Tonia received her healing and is living free of pain, suffering and heartache in the presence of her Jesus. Please hold her family close in prayer as they adjust to carrying on her legacy without her here. 
In her own sweet prayer......

"Dear God,
My family's heart is hurting and they need your comfort. May they feel your loving arms around them during this time of mourning. May they depend on you and your strength to get through these emotional days. Help them know they are being lifted up and prayed for by those who love them and please Lord, cover them with your perfect peace. Amen."
(This is Tonia's prayer from the sympathy card in our Prayer Cards Collection.)
She will live on and we will surely celebrate together again in the Presence of our King! God Bless and hold her family close. For they too shall witness His Unfailing Love and Tender Mercies.

When the possibility looms that you are about to hear that you have cancer, what do you do? I'll tell you what I did. I reached out to two women who knew a little something about it. Tonia Curtis Harrison and Beth Murphy Swain were my two! The first one I reached out to was my Cousin, Tonia. She was already in the fight! She had already walked the road of uncertainty, waiting and treatment planning. She was the first person to hear my fear and reassure me that she was there for me and praying for my family. Because, when that diagnosis came in, that's who I wanted to protect. I wanted to protect my children, grandchildren and my parents from the unknown. Tonia was there for me from the minute they called me back for more imaging because of a suspicious area. She encouraged, prayed and talked me through some of the scariest days of my life. And she always did it with humor, sensitivity, love and the faith she lived out loud. This morning I've been reading over some of our conversations. She was always available, she was always honest, she gave me good advise, asked the right questions and all while she was enduring chemo treatments. We actually started our radiation treatment at the same time. And even though we were miles and miles apart, she was always right there with me. We've laughed, cried, prayed and even collaborated together on ways to encourage others when this sort of thing hits. Because Cancer packs a PUNCH! Tonia was a force, she was a fighter, she was strong and honest and brave! She never gave up, but she did let go of the fight and left that to God. Her mission was to LIVE Life FULL OUT to the end. And she did just that!!! But in and through all of that, she ached for the ones she would leave behind. She worried for her girls, her husband and her parents. It wasn't about her, she was secure in her future. She wanted so badly to spare them the pain. It was the same with my dear friend Beth. She received her healing 2 years ago on my birthday. Her concern was always for the family she would leave behind as well. So today, as I sit in quiet, weep and remember it is for Tonia's family that my heart is breaking. Tonia's motto and mission was to fix her mind on God's Personal Promises, His Permanent Presence and His Perfect Peace. And so that is my prayer for her husband, daughters, parents, siblings, family and friends. That you will cling to His Promises, feel embraced by His Presence and with each breath, breathe in his Perfect Peace. May we all carry on Tonia's Legacy of Faith in ACTION! Because it is that faith that gives us the hope and the promise of being together again whole, healed and worshipping the One who gives us our next breath. Thank You my sweet Cousin, for leading the way, setting the bar higher, stretching me, encouraging others and living your life with God's Purpose and Plan always your goal. Well DONE! I LOVE YOU.

A message from her daughters: Eternal Perspective by Amber Harrison on Sept. 10, 2017

As cousins growing up in beautiful New England, Tonia (Curtis) Harrison and Sharon (Curtis) Surman never dreamed we’d be taking the cancer journey together. And as it unfolded, we took great comfort (Tonia now in Michigan and Sharon in Maine) having each other to talk with, cry with, share with and pray for. 
Diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in June, 2013 and then spread to the liver in September, 2013, Tonia underwent a lumpectomy during where five lymph nodes tested positive. She was treated with 20 rounds of chemotherapy (AC and Taxol) from August, 2013 to January, 2014, a liver ablation in February, 2014 followed by 33 radiation treatments from February to April 2014. She took the anti-hormone pill Tamoxifen for one year. Unfortunately, it didn't keep the liver tumors from spreading and she was re-diagnosed in April, 2015 as Stage IV Breast Cancer - a treatable, but not curable, disease. Tonia had 5 months of chemo and is now on oral medication. 

Sharon was diagnosed in December, 2013, with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Following a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy in January, 2014, radiation therapy was required for 20 treatments. She is now on a five year drug therapy of Anastrozole. 
It was during this time that we realized there are days in all our lives when we just don’t know what to say. Whether as a friend who wants to show their concern or when we just can’t find the words to express how we’re feeling to God. This is how our Prayer Postcards got their start – two cousins battling breast cancer at the same time and often not knowing what or how to pray. 
Through our journey, our faith has been strengthened. Faith in God and His permanent presence and perfect peace. Faith in our family and friends as they provided physical and emotional strength. Faith in ourselves – knowing that this time in our lives is not to be wasted, but used to support and encourage others who find themselves on a similar journey. 
We hope that our photos and personal prayers will be a blessing and encouragement to those who receive them! We believe everything that God has allowed to touch our lives is for our good and His Glory! 
With your very own hands you formed me; now breathe your wisdom over me so I can understand you. When they see me waiting, expecting your Word, those who fear you will take heart and be glad. I can see now, God, that your decisions are right; your testing has taught me what’s true and right. Oh, love me, and right now, hold me tight just the way you promised! Now comfort me so I can live, really live; your revelation is the tune I dance to. Let those who fear you turn to me for evidence of your wise guidance. And let me live whole and holy, soul and body, so I can always walk with my head held high. (Psalm 119:73-80 MSG)

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