Saturday, December 22, 2018

God's Gifts Are Everlasting

His Word: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. Ecclesiastes 3:11-13
Observation & Obedience: God’s gifts to us are innumerable; often beyond what we can even imagine or ask for. But what are we doing with his gifts? Are we putting them on a shelf only to gather dust? Are they doomed to the basement until the next time a “white elephant” present is needed?
Of course I’m referring to physical gifts from God. But what about the things we have been given that really matter in the grand scheme of things. Like how we use our time? How we get through the good and bad seasons of life? And what are we doing with our life here on earth that will ultimately affect our life for eternity?

I found this blog by Pastor Jonathan Alexander to be a good way to evaluate ourselves and our lives as we come to the end of another year. Take time to really ponder his questions. See if there are areas of time, seasons and eternity where you can make changes in for the New Year.

“Everything ultimately matters, so how we use our time, journey through the seasons of life, and spend eternity ultimately matters. This is what the ancient philosopher and King Solomon discovered on his quest for meaning of life. There is a time for everything, and there is a God in heaven who rules over an all-encompassing plan of life and eternity. The invitation to us on this side of heaven is to allow the God of time, seasons, and eternity to shape our time, seasons, and eternity

Time: How are you spending your time? If you allowed someone to look at your calendar, would it sync with what you say is most important? If not, what do you need to change in your day, your week, and your month to live out what is most important?

Seasons: Do you recognize the season of life you’re in right now? What’s best about it? What’s the greatest challenge of this season? How can you find someone who has walked this season before to help you navigate it well? If you’ve been through a particular season, will you be generous with your heart and time by helping someone else walk through that season?

Eternity: Ultimately God has placed the longing for eternity, the longing for more, in the human heart. And the God of eternity longs to have us be with Him for eternity. That’s the great hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ… that our sin would be done away with by His cross, the barrier removed, our weapons laid down as we come to Him. His death for ours; His life for ours. But death could not hold the God-Man in the grave. He is risen, and He invites us to everlasting, eternal life with Him… forever. And forever is a long time.

Make the most of your time and seasons on this side of eternity, and make the most of the opportunity to be with God on the other side of eternity.” Pastor Jonathan Alexander - Northshore Community Church | Kirkland, WA

Prayer: “Dear God, you are the giver of all life and make everything beautiful in its time. I cannot even imagine all the good gifts you have for me, especially when I look around and see all the hurt and sorrow in our world. But I know that won’t be forever; that was never your plan for me and those who choose to spend eternity with you. May I make the most of the time I have here, the best of the seasons of life I get to live through and may my heart always long for the everlasting life I’ll have with you. Amen.”

Encouragement: Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Carl Bard

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