Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2-4-1 This Week!

Catching up with Scripture and a Snapshot this week. 
Last week's prompt was WEATHER.

God puts to rest the wonder of His mercy. Even though, our sins are open, evident, glaring and repeated, He will forgive us when we repent and see us as pure. There can be no better image of purity, than snow. Thank You Jesus.

This week's word prompt is BREAD.

There is a dimension to our lives apart from what we eat and drink, and that dimension manifests itself by the Word of God being active and alive in us. God's Word provides us with strength and the ability to grow, mature and become more of what He intended. The Word of God adds an absolutely vital dimension to my life.

I pray God's Word is a vital part of your everyday too! Because everyday Matters!

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