Saturday, January 27, 2018

Humble Heart or Heavy Load?

His Word: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  Matthew 11:28-30
Observation & Obedience: Our focus for the month has been on rest and peace. We’ve seen how the only one who can give us real rest and perfect peace is God alone.  Today we will look at how this can happen.
In His Word, Jesus is inviting those who are weary and burdened to come to him. Interestingly, he adds another command that is often overlooked. Not only are we to come to him for rest, we are to also learn from him. Jesus is our best example of someone with a gentle and humble heart.  What kind of image does this description create in your mind?

During his three years of ministry on earth, do you think Jesus ever got stressed out? Do you think he stayed awake at night worrying about his followers and what would happen to them when he was gone? I wonder if he ever took on too many responsibilities or suffered from burn out? Did he ever get confused about his purpose and lose confidence in what he was doing?
Because he was walking closely with God, his Father, he was able to depend on him to give him rest when he most needed it. We know that Jesus experienced the same physical and emotional reactions to stress and fatigue as we do. But his response was always to get away and pray (Matthew 14:23) and to bring his burdens to God and leave them with him.
If we are to have the real rest and perfect peace God offers us, we must look to Jesus’ example and learn from him. Are you worried or anxious? Be confident in God’s power. He will never desert you. Do you see no hope for the future? Be courageous and call upon God. Are you grieving? Know that God hears your suffering and will comfort you. Are you confused? Listen to the quiet voice of your heavenly Father. He is not a God of confusion. Talk to him; listen to him and follow his commandments. 
What are you doing with your burdens? Are you carrying them around until you are so weary you can’t take another step? This is not the life Jesus came to give us, one of heaviness of heart and stressful souls. Our responsibility is to come to him with our cares.  His promise is to give us rest.  What would your life look like if you laid your burdens at God’s feet?
I Peter 5:7 tells us to Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  Carrying your worries, stresses and daily struggles by yourself shows that you don’t trust God with your life. It takes a humble heart to recognize that God cares and to admit our need for help. Is this hard for you to do?
Sometimes we think that struggles caused by our own sin and foolish choices are not God’s concern. But when we bring them to God with a heart of humility and repentance, God will bear the weight of them. Letting God have your anxieties, worries, burdens and cares calls for action. 
Prayer: “Dear God, I’m weary from carrying the stresses and burdens of my life. I don’t know why I think I can do a better job at it than you! I need to follow your example and learn from you. I want to be someone with a gentle and humble heart. Today I am choosing to trust you and give all my anxiety to you. You are more than capable to handle whatever I bring. Psalm 55:22 assures me that when I cast my cares on you, you will sustain me and never let me fall.  Thank You for this promise. Amen.”
Encouragement: As a child of God, rest in the knowledge that your Savior precedes you, and he will walk with you through each experience of your life.    Henry Blackaby
What can you do today that will lighten the load you’re carrying?

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Rested or Restless?

His Word: There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.   Hebrews 4:9-11
Observation & Obedience:  What is “Sabbath-rest” and is it even necessary for us to observe? According to the NIV Life Application Study Bible, “Sabbath-rest” is a noun describing “the seventh day of the week, divinely set apart for rest and worship.” 
Regardless of what day you choose, it is important to observe a time dedicated to rest and worship. When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, he addressed the subject of rest, knowing that if it were only a suggestion; people might not observe and obey it. Exodus 20: 8-10a: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God…”
His Word for today reminds us that God rested from his work. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done (Genesis 2:2-3).
God wants us to enter his rest. For the Israelites, this was the earthly rest in the Promised Land. For us, it’s the peace we can find when we take the time to rest and enjoy God’s presence in our lives here on earth. We don’t have to wait until heaven to receive it; we may have it every day! 
In verse 11, it tells us to make every effort to enter that rest. Did God know it would be a challenge for us? I believe so. Rest, especially in our fast-paced world, does not come naturally.  It almost has to be scheduled and that is exactly what the Sabbath-rest does. It gives us a specific time and day to set aside for rest and worship.
How are you doing with obeying this commandment? It’s not just for the Old Testament people; it’s for us today, maybe even more so. What does your day of rest and worship look like?  Are you even observing one? We are not designed to be Energizer bunnies who can go and go and go….

Consider what the benefits are or could be when we are dedicated to the idea of Sabbath-rest:  Renewed energy for the week ahead. A better attitude and gratitude for the job God has given you to do, whether it’s in the home or in the workplace. A greater appreciation for the blessings you have already obtained. The realization that work and material goods is not all there is in life. Improved physical, emotional and spiritual strength.  Lowered blood pressure, less depression and a closer relationship with God.  These are things we all can benefit from!
Prayer: “Dear God, today I’m choosing to follow your example. You showed us the importance of resting after our time of labor. You even made rest a part of the commandments you gave to Moses and it is for my good as well. Help me to be committed to my time of rest and worship and not let other things and people distract me from it.    I know I will be better off (and probably my family/friends as well) for observing it. Amen.”
Encouragement: When I’m constantly running, there’s no time for being. When there’s no time for being, there’s no time for listening.   Madeline L’Engle
God asks that we worship him with our concentrated minds as well as with our wills and emotions. A divided and scattered mind is not effective.   Catherine Marshall
If you are observing a “Sabbath-rest” kind of day, share with us what it looks like….

Monday, January 15, 2018

Trust In HIM or In Things?

His Word:  Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.   Psalm 62: 5-8
Observation & Obedience: In today’s verses, David expresses his feelings for God and then reaffirms his faith. Trusting God to be our rock, salvation, fortress and refuge will change our whole outlook on life.
Do you have times of “emotional stress”? Are there days when you can’t seem to get anything right nor can any of the other people in your life? Maybe it’s a situation where you feel like your world is falling apart and crashing down around you or like everyone has turned against you.
As king, we can imagine David had days and situations like this quite often. This Psalm was written during the days of his son, Absalom’s, rebellion (2 Samuel 15-18). Yet once again, David reminds us of where he finds his hope and strength in troubled times and we can too. Let’s dissect these verses and see how.
In verse 5, David shows us that two things only come from God. Rest for our soul and hope for a weary heart only come from God. So why do we continue to search for it in other places?
In verse 6, David uses three images to describe God.  He is my rock, my salvation and my fortress. What is the result for David and for us?  I (We) will not beshaken.
When we find our rest and put our hope in the Solid Rock, the Source of our Salvation and the Strength of a Fortress, we never need to worry about being shaken when times of trouble come.
In verse 7a, we see that David’s honor depends on God.  If it weren’t for God’s favor and his anointing, David would not be in the position he was as King of Israel. 
In 7b, David repeats his description of God by adding more detailed wording. He is my mighty rock and my refuge.  Do you notice how many times the word “my” is used in these verses?   Nine times David reveals and reminds us of the personal relationship he has with God.
He then advises us that in order to find rest for our soul and hope for our heart, we should do what he does. Trust in him (God) at all times and to pour out your heart to him. Why? Because he cares. He can be trusted and he is our refuge.  If David can say this with such great confidence even when his life is being turned upside down, so can we!
Refuge is defined as “a place of shelter, protection from danger, or safety.” Who else can we call our refuge? Where else can we find shelter, know we’re protected from danger and feel safe? 
In. God. Alone.
Prayer: “Dear God, you are my hope, my rock, my salvation, my fortress, my honor and my refuge. Why would I need to look any place else for rest? The world certainly can’t provide it. My friends and family can’t guarantee it. My looks and education can’t supply it. My career and money can’t buy it. True rest for my soul and hope for my heart can only come from you and you alone God. Today I choose to stop looking to these people and things to meet my needs and to trust you enough with my life to pour out my heart to you knowing that you love me and will listen to me. Amen.”
Encouragement: People, places and things were never meant to give us life. God alone is the author of a fulfilling life.  Gary Smalley and John Trent
We all go through pain and sorrow, but the presence of God, like a warm, comforting blanket, can shield and protect us, and allow a deep inner joy to surface, even in the most devastating circumstances.     Barbara Johnson  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Affirmed or Afraid?

His Word: Moses said to the LORD, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.” The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”   – Exodus 33: 12-14
Observation & Obedience: In His Word for today, Moses and God had just had another “face to face” conversation – The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend (v.11).
Moses was confirming what He had heard from God : Lead these people, I know you by name, you have found favor with me. But even after all these affirmations, Moses was still expecting God to give him someone to go with him into the Promised Land. Another human he could count on for support and strength. Someone who could take over for him when he needed a break from dealing with these challenging and complaining Israelites.
When God is telling you something He wants/expects you to do, are you apt to be like Moses and ask for someone to go with you? Are you not sure if you can do all that He’s asking of you by yourself? Is the thought of a human companion more comforting and confidence building? Explain……
What did Moses ask God to do and why?
Is this a common request of yours when you’re unsure and insecure?
Moses even “reminds” God who He has put him in charge of – your (chosen) people. Maybe Moses was thinking God would provide him with a much stronger leader than he was. Someone who was a better communicator. Someone the people would respect more and want to follow.
The Lord responds with a simple promise to Moses. “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
God would be his companion. God would provide direction and decision making skills. God would give him the rest he needed. God would be all Moses needed in order to fulfill His commands.
Prayer: “Dear God, there are many days when I act like Your Presence is not enough. When I think that I need someone else to come along side me to give me direction, strength and support. Yes, you have provided people in my life who do that, but they should not be the ones I depend on for everything. Only You can be that. Only You can be with me everywhere and at all times. Today I choose to cling to this promise of Your permanent Presence and Peace and believe it is all I need. Amen.”
Encouragement: A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in is wise enough to watch out for me.          – Philip Yancey
* Share with us a time you depended on God’s Presence and rest to be all you needed….

Friday, January 5, 2018

Secure or Shaken?

His Word: Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me…  – Psalm 16: 9-10a
Observation & Obedience:  What person doesn’t want a glad heart, a tongue that rejoices and a body that rests secure? The author, David, had found the secret to joy. True joy is far deeper than happiness. Happiness is temporary because it is based on external circumstances. But joy like David experienced is lasting because of God’s presence within us. 
David’s focus for his hope was based on God’s presence being permanent in his life, regardless of what was going on around him. We too can have the same benefits. If we read a few verses before our key verse, we’ll see what David did in order to find such joy, rest and security. 
Psalm 16:7 – I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. David made it a habit to praise God – day and night; even when he was being counseled and instructed by God. How often do we praise Him when He is correcting and changing our well laid out plans?
Psalm 16:8a – I keep my eyes always on the LORD. Where was David’s focus? On himself? On his enemies? On his women and wealth? On his title and prestige? His focus was always on the Lord.  Did that make him perfect? No, but he recognized that he always needed to have God before him – guiding and directing him.
Psalm 16:8b – With him (God) at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  David knew that with God by his side, he had no reason to fear and doubt. Like David, we still must live in a sinful world and experience the day to day circumstances of life. But for those who praise God, seek His counsel and instruction, keep their focus on Him, they can have the security in knowing they’re doing what is right and important in God’s eyes. 
So that leads us to David’s proclamation in verse 9-10a. His heart is glad, his tongue rejoices and his body rests secure. Are you experiencing the same benefits in your life? Maybe you need to choose to adopt David’s actions. You can start today:
1) List 2-5 things/people/lessons you can praise God for that He has used to counsel and instruct you.
2) Examine where your focus is? Are your eyes always on the Lord following His guidance or are they wandering around looking for other ways to find joy, peace and rest? How are these things/people working for you?
3) Do you truly believe that God is always before/with you? Or do you sometimes wonder if He’s too busy with other things to pay attention to your needs? This may sound foolish, but how many of us have thought this at one time or another? Think of a time God showed up in a big way in your life. Write Him a thank you note:
Prayer: “Dear God, forgive me for the times I’ve been upset with You for correcting me and instructing me to do something I may not have agreed with. Help me to always keep my eyes and focus on You because You are always before and with me.  I don’t need to fear because you will fill me with joy in your presence and with eternal pleasures (Psalm 16:11).  Today I choose to live with a glad heart, a tongue that rejoices and a body that rests secure. Amen.”
Encouragement: Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things. – Corrie ten Boom (Holocaust Survivor)
We welcome your thoughts…….(Question or comment)

Monday, January 1, 2018

Getting In The Groove for 2018

A repost from our first devotional of 2015. This was was a year long project for Tonia and I.  Based on God's Life Giving WORD, it never grows old or out of date, so be encouraged and encourage others! Happy NEW YEAR!

The beginning of a New Year is filled with HOPE; A fresh start with so much yet to come and so much to give thanks for. What better time to pour into our lives the unforced rhythms of God’s Grace by giving Him time and attention so that we may experience the rest and restoration that He will pour into us. We are so blessed and honored that you have joined us here at Our Focus for Hope as we begin at the beginning, an offering of weekly encouragement through the sharing of Hope through God’s words, the lens of a camera and the prayers and passions of our hearts. 
The format for our devotional will follow along with our theme of HOPE.
H – His Words- the scripture that we will share for the devotional.
O – Observations that we glean from His word and Obedience that puts what we’ve learned into action.
P – A personal Prayer 
E – A word of Encouragement  
Here we go!
His Words: “Come away with me and I will give you rest. Learn the unforced rhythms of Grace” Matthew 11:28
Observation & Obedience: “Come away with me.” Wow! Let’s stop right there and let that sweet invitation sink in. Say it…. “Come away with me.” Say it again…. “Come away with me.” Who would you say those words to? Who would you love to hear those words from? I’m thinking it would be someone very special in your life. Someone you love, not just love love but LOOOOOVE! Jesus is speaking these words to us and what an intimate invitation it is. It’s the ultimate love language of time and attention. Who of you would turn away from a loved one who offered such an invite? Let’s start this New Year by accepting His offer. Leave our cell phones, unplug and be fully present with the one who offers such a love. 
His offer isn’t empty. It comes with a promise. ” I will give you REST.” The definition of rest: relief or freedom, especially from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs; mental or spiritual calm; tranquillity. Now who couldn’t use more of that? That’s His promise to us. If we will spend time in His presence, we can believe His promise and live in the freedom, calm and tranquility that He offers. This will allow us to recover our lives from the chaos that has captured us. 
“Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (MSG) Be mindful. Observe experiences as they unfold. Don’t judge. Pay attention so that your mind and body can receive the rhythm of His Love. When we are mindful, we become healthier. When we are mindful, we can get into the groove, the rhythm of living and loving God’s way. We will eventually feel the rhythm so deeply that a miss step will be noticed immediately. Not too fast, not too slow. 
This unforced rhythm of grace…. the groove…. happens! That’s the reward of accepting His invitation, believing His promise and getting in step with the right rhythm of yes and no, of notes and spaces, of activity and quiet time. What a great way to start the New Year!
1. Think of someone you would desire to either invite or be invited to “come away with”. Pray for God to move in that relationship to bring it about.
2. Go for a walk with music playing and notice the rhythm you keep because of the beat of the music. Feel the awkwardness of missing a step and being out of rhythm. See how quickly you can get back into the groove?
Prayer: “Father God, we accept your invitation with thankful hearts, and we begin this new year by giving you our full attention. As we come away with You, bring us into the rhythm of your Grace. Lord, may we feel Your rhythm deep in our beings that we may experience the rest and restoration we so desperately need and you so graciously offer. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.”
Encouragement: The Rest of God is in a realm beyond all man’s activities. Visit there often, and you will find Peace and Joy. (from God Calling)
Thank You for sharing this time with us. We pray that it has been an encouragement to you and that you will share encouragement with someone special today. 
We’d love to hear your thoughts……..(Question or comment)  

In The Beginning