Monday, January 1, 2018

Getting In The Groove for 2018

A repost from our first devotional of 2015. This was was a year long project for Tonia and I.  Based on God's Life Giving WORD, it never grows old or out of date, so be encouraged and encourage others! Happy NEW YEAR!

The beginning of a New Year is filled with HOPE; A fresh start with so much yet to come and so much to give thanks for. What better time to pour into our lives the unforced rhythms of God’s Grace by giving Him time and attention so that we may experience the rest and restoration that He will pour into us. We are so blessed and honored that you have joined us here at Our Focus for Hope as we begin at the beginning, an offering of weekly encouragement through the sharing of Hope through God’s words, the lens of a camera and the prayers and passions of our hearts. 
The format for our devotional will follow along with our theme of HOPE.
H – His Words- the scripture that we will share for the devotional.
O – Observations that we glean from His word and Obedience that puts what we’ve learned into action.
P – A personal Prayer 
E – A word of Encouragement  
Here we go!
His Words: “Come away with me and I will give you rest. Learn the unforced rhythms of Grace” Matthew 11:28
Observation & Obedience: “Come away with me.” Wow! Let’s stop right there and let that sweet invitation sink in. Say it…. “Come away with me.” Say it again…. “Come away with me.” Who would you say those words to? Who would you love to hear those words from? I’m thinking it would be someone very special in your life. Someone you love, not just love love but LOOOOOVE! Jesus is speaking these words to us and what an intimate invitation it is. It’s the ultimate love language of time and attention. Who of you would turn away from a loved one who offered such an invite? Let’s start this New Year by accepting His offer. Leave our cell phones, unplug and be fully present with the one who offers such a love. 
His offer isn’t empty. It comes with a promise. ” I will give you REST.” The definition of rest: relief or freedom, especially from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs; mental or spiritual calm; tranquillity. Now who couldn’t use more of that? That’s His promise to us. If we will spend time in His presence, we can believe His promise and live in the freedom, calm and tranquility that He offers. This will allow us to recover our lives from the chaos that has captured us. 
“Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (MSG) Be mindful. Observe experiences as they unfold. Don’t judge. Pay attention so that your mind and body can receive the rhythm of His Love. When we are mindful, we become healthier. When we are mindful, we can get into the groove, the rhythm of living and loving God’s way. We will eventually feel the rhythm so deeply that a miss step will be noticed immediately. Not too fast, not too slow. 
This unforced rhythm of grace…. the groove…. happens! That’s the reward of accepting His invitation, believing His promise and getting in step with the right rhythm of yes and no, of notes and spaces, of activity and quiet time. What a great way to start the New Year!
1. Think of someone you would desire to either invite or be invited to “come away with”. Pray for God to move in that relationship to bring it about.
2. Go for a walk with music playing and notice the rhythm you keep because of the beat of the music. Feel the awkwardness of missing a step and being out of rhythm. See how quickly you can get back into the groove?
Prayer: “Father God, we accept your invitation with thankful hearts, and we begin this new year by giving you our full attention. As we come away with You, bring us into the rhythm of your Grace. Lord, may we feel Your rhythm deep in our beings that we may experience the rest and restoration we so desperately need and you so graciously offer. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.”
Encouragement: The Rest of God is in a realm beyond all man’s activities. Visit there often, and you will find Peace and Joy. (from God Calling)
Thank You for sharing this time with us. We pray that it has been an encouragement to you and that you will share encouragement with someone special today. 
We’d love to hear your thoughts……..(Question or comment)  

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