Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Flip Side Of Freedom

Guest post by Denelle Surman Bryant
His Word: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
 Observation and Obedience: I’m a divorced single mother of two. I am free in every way. I enjoy all of the societal freedoms that were established for us by our forefathers. And, I am also free to watch whatever I want on TV. I am free to fold t-shirts inside-out, or not at all. I am free to serve breakfast for dinner, or meatless meals any day of the week. I am free to stay up late and eat loud, crunchy snack foods in bed. I am free to buy a house, and lease a car, on my own, consulting with no one. I am free to paint my walls whatever color I choose, and I’m free to take up every square inch of the closet. I am free to be spontaneous, make plans, change plans, and cancel plans, and come and go as I please. I am free to date whoever I want, and at the same time, I’m free to choose not to. I am free to raise my fatherless sons, my way. I am free to choose my battles and let certain things slide. I am free to lose my temper, and on occasion, my mind. I am free. I am without yokes, or chains. And I’m miserable.
When I first read Galatians 5:1, I read it romantically.
“Christ, has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened AGAIN by a yoke of slavery.”
Thank you very much Christ, and don’t you worry, no one in their right mind would go back to slavery after being set free! Right? Wrong.
Truth is, I’d give anything to be yoked in a partnership. The chains of life can be comforting and securing. To be tethered, and unable to go beyond where you can see…it’s safe. Routines, schedules, plans, goals, they’re what keep us grounded, and moving. Predictability, is a calming, wonderful phenomenon. But that’s not the type of freedom that life in Christ gives us. Not even close. The freedom he granted us, is so much bigger. He gives us the freedom to stay tethered to Him, and watch the trials of life be turned into triumph. To consult with Him, and wait on Him to move mountains in your favor. The freedom to place your life, your dreams, your desires in His hands, and be willing to lose it all for the promise of his His Plan being far greater than anything you could ever imagine. His freedom is a thrill ride, a gut-check, a test of strength. The strength of your faith.
Many among us do choose to retreat back to the yokes of slavery. They throw on the chain of an unhealthy relationship, because it’s better than being alone. (God never leaves us.) They remain shackled in jobs that are unfulfilling, because “it pays the bills”. (God designed you for a particular purpose.) They remain tethered to the bottle, the pill, the cigarette, because it numbs the pain. (God is a Healer.) They hold on to offenses and look for revenge. (God offers forgiveness and grace). And my personal weakness…I choose to retreat back to the prison of my own efforts, my own strength, my own way, even after tasting the AMAZING Freedom God has given me. (God’s impeccable timing and perfect plan.)
But hey, it’s a journey. We are all children. And we are all learning. The great part is, we are all together in it. Together to encourage, support, and motivate each other. My prayer is that we accept our freedoms and help each other fight the urge to retreat. Let’s choose to stay free, even on the flip side.
Prayer: Thank You Father, for all that You are and all that You offer to me when I stand with You, follow Your lead and live in the love that was poured out on the cross. Keep me tethered, keep me weak for your ways and your will. In Jesus Name, Amen
Encouragement: Dear past, thank you for your lessons. Dear future, I’m ready. Dear God, Thank YOU for another chance. 
Written and lived out loud by Denelle Surman Bryant

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