Friday, August 17, 2018

Where's My Focus Gone?

His Word: I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! Isaiah 65:24 (NLT)
Observation and Obedience: That would be nice, to not have to beg God for what you think you need because He’s already provided what you really need and you recognize it as answered prayers. I want that! I NEED that! What do I have to do to get that kind of response, answer and attention? What would that look like and feel like?
This verse in Isaiah is describing what the new heaven and new earth will be like. This is a prophecy of things to come; an encouragement to press on, commit, stay the course, align your will with the Father’s because it will all be worth it.
So, does that mean we are doomed until Christ’s return to a life of begging and crying for God’s will be done, on earth as it is in heaven? Sort of. But on the other side of that is the encouragement to consider our heart’s cry; is it in harmony with the will of God? Are we seeking His face, His leading, His comfort, His plan with a clear and determined focus? Because, this verse also reveals that God is more ready to hear than we are to pray. While we’re still talking about our heart cry, He’s ready with the answer, with the blessing, with the solution. But who and what are we busy paying attention to? His still small voice or the dinging of the next e-mail or fb notification on our phone? (just a thought)

I had the opportunity and the privilege to spend 3 days in a beautiful spot on the coast of Maine photographing. It taught me something. I’m still unwrapping the lesson God has for me in the experience, but this is what I have gleaned so far. While I am photographing, my focus and attention is like no other. There is nothing else on my mind, no worries, no planning, no interruptions, nothing else is distracting me from the subject, how the light falls, the angle, the composition, the settings  that will help me to capture the beauty. I am that focused on what I am seeing through the lens.  And you know what? I have no concept of time. I’m focused on seeing the beauty. The same subject, at different times, in different lighting, from a different perspective still has beauty. 

I believe if I could transfer that focus, that attention, that determination to seeing the beauty no matter the situation, to my walk with God and my life in general there would be opportunity for God to answer before I asked. I would be inclined to be in harmony with His will because I would be that focused and available. I would be able to capture His light so I could share His light. If I could just focus each day, each situation, each person I come in contact with through the lens of Christ, what beauty and blessings would I experience. Maybe I’d even see the answer before it left my lips. My heart cry would be His heart cry.  

Prayer: Lord, this day, right now, open the eyes of my heart to see what you see. Help me to be inclined to your ways, your will and the still small voice that you speak with if I will just quiet my wants enough to hear you. Thank you for always being ready with the answer, the right answer for every situation. My heart cry is to see what’s going on in my world through the lens of Christ so that I can shine your light, reflect your heart’s cry, share your love and fulfill your purpose for my life until you return. Make it soon Lord, make it soon. Amen
Encouragement: When you seek My Face in response to My Love-call, both of us are blessed. This is a deep mystery, designed more for your enjoyment than for your understanding. I am not a dour God who discourages pleasure. I delight in your enjoyment of everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. Think on these things and My Light in you will shine brighter day by day. Sarah Young ~ Jesus Calling

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