Thursday, March 1, 2018

Marching On....Accepting The Charge

Welcome March!!! Please, come in and share with us your warmth and the hope of new life restored that will surely Spring from the earth! We are ready!!! We have endured, we have shoveled, we have plowed, we have seen enough of winter’s monochrome. Can I get an AMEN! 
Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, let us turn our focus to the theme for March. God has not forgotten you in the hard times, in the lonely times, in the desperate times, in the winter of your journey. He speaks these words in Isaiah 41:10 with tenderness, for he is a loving God. “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” 
We need to take a deep cleansing breath, or 2 or 3 or how ever many it takes to recognize our next breath, never mind everything else, our next breath,  depends on HIM. Maybe that’s why the sound of our breathing is whispering His name – YHWH.  He is the one who supplies all our needs. He loves us unconditionally, no matter what. He’s crazy about YOU!  He promises over and over again, He will never leave us in our messes, He will not forget us in our pain, He will hold us up with victory when we can’t stand on our own. So Stop STRESSING!
Deep Breath, (breathe in……breathe out) Listen for it – YHWH. It’s time to Focus instead of stress, to stand Strong and Courageous in the face of fear and uncertainty. Let’s be encouraged this month by the testimony of God’s Word so that we can in turn, encourage one another.
(that was only the introduction, now for the devotional) 

His Word: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Observation and Obedience: In our verse today, Moses is speaking to Joshua as he is handing over the leadership of the Israelites to Joshua. He is passing the baton in the presence of the people of Israel as they are about to cross over into the promised land. An unfamiliar and unexpected turn of events, for they were going without Moses. Their leader of 40 years as well as the voice of God, would not be crossing the Jordan with them. Previously, in verse 6, Moses had charged the people themselves;  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, (the enemies) for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” 
This charge still stands for us today. We have been given the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to be able to stand strong and courageous in the face of our enemies (cancer, divorce, job loss, broken relationships, addictions, to name a few). When we are faced with situations that put us in unfamiliar territory and we feel ourselves begin to panic, we as God’s people need to take some deep cleansing breaths, call on His name, Yahweh, and focus on Him. He’s allowed whatever it is to come into your life for a reason. He’s right there with you. He’ll get you through. It’s HIS PROMISE!
The Promise of God to never leave or forsake us, the assurance that He is going ahead of us to prepare the way as well as always being with us, is quite honestly what got me through many of the frightening procedures of diagnosing and treating cancer! Each time I found myself heading into a procedure I would take some deep breaths, ask God to prepare the way and stay by my side. I always told him I would be watching for Him and He always showed up. There was one particular test I needed to have prior to surgery where I really wasn’t sure I could get through it. I even asked them to stop, I thought I was going to be sick. The technicians were very kind and provided me with cold cloths and reassurance; but they were also very firm about having to get this test done. Once they started back up, there was no stopping. My eyes leaked and I cried out, (silently, so as not to be admitted) to the God who had promised to never leave me. It was He and I in that machine and the only word that I could speak over and over and over was “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” There’s power in that name. I’m crying now just recalling that time. He was there, he held me still and we got through it. Thank You Jesus. He is our closest friend. Does your relationship with Him mirror a friendship that is tried, true and treasured?
As long as we live in this world and we’re breathing, we will need the reassurance of an ever-present, almighty God.  His presence is real, His promises have not expired and His timing, peace and plan for our lives is the one we desire most! 
Prayer: Thank you God for knowing what I need, when I need it and how it should be delivered. Thank you for your love, patience and forgiveness when I lose my focus and try to get out ahead of you. Thank you for the power, peace and comfort we receive in taking a deep breath and speaking your name. Because you have promised to never leave us or forsake us, we can live out our days courageous and strong, free from fear and anxiety. Help us not to get discouraged but to encourage one another with the truth of your Word. Amen
Encouragement: “When your prayers look right into the face of Christ — every hopeless end turns into an endless hope.” Ann Voskamp

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