Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Who's Fight Is It.......REALLY?

His Word: Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”   Exodus 14:13-14
Observation & Obedience: In Exodus 14, we find Moses just beginning his role as leader of the Israelites after their miraculous escape from Egypt, and already he is faced with a teaching moment! Pharaoh has changed his mind and the Egyptians are hot on their tail. As the Israelites witness the Egyptian army closing in on them for the kill, Moses and God give them an important lesson.
In verses 11-12, we hear what will become a familiar question and complaint from the Israelites:   What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?  Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” 
Can you believe that after watching God’s powerful hand deliver them from Egypt, their only response was fear and whining. They had forgotten how miserable their lives were as slaves and recalled only what was familiar to them.  Now they were faced with a choice.  Trust that God was able to protect and provide for them or give up and die at the hands of the Egyptians. 
This is the first instance of grumbling and complaining by the Israelites, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last. In fact, this response would become a major problem for them. Their lack of faith in God is startling. Yet how often do we find ourselves doing the same thing? Questioning God’s actions; complaining over inconveniences and grumbling over discomforts. 
I would like to imagine that the conversation may have gone something like this: 
Moses: “Look, have you forgotten all that God has done for you up until this point? Do you really think he would bring us this far to leave us to die at the hands of the Egyptians? They had plenty of opportunities to destroy you while you were in slavery. Today, you are going to see God do something huge; something only he can do. You just need to stop looking back at your old life, and turn your focus on the Lord because he is the one fighting for you.”
People: “Ok Moses, you’re right. How foolish of us to think that God would abandon us here in the desert. We’re sorry for grumbling and complaining (until next time). We will be still and know that our great God will save us.”
God: “I love how you are all bonding, but in order for me to do another miracle you people need to stop talking and get moving!! (Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.           v 15). Prayer is vital to our relationship but there is also a place for action; and now is the time!”
Are you unhappy with a situation you find yourself in? Are you trying to “fight” your way out on your own?
Are you stuck in “what used to be?”  Do you want to stay where things are familiar, even if they are miserable?
Are you praying for more guidance as an excuse to postpone doing what you know you need to do? 
Prayer:  “Dear God, why do I constantly feel the need to try to fix and control everything in my life? You are the one fighting all my wars; I just need to stop and recognize this. How many times have I missed you do something big in my life because I’m too busy grumbling and complaining, wishing my life was like it “used to be?”  Help me to know the difference between the times when I need to stand still and the times when I need to get moving! Amen.”
Encouragement:  God is always reliable but seldom predictable. He has plans and procedures in place that we’ve never considered.  Clayton King

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