Saturday, September 8, 2018

God's Word.....

Guest post by Marion Smith
His Word: I have tried my best to find you—don’t let me wander off from your instructions. I have thought much about your words and stored them in my heart so that they would hold me back from sin. Psalm 119:10-11 (Living Bible)
Observation & Obedience: Recently I lost my wedding diamond.  My husband and I had gone on a weekend trip to Kentucky and on the day before we left for home, I looked down at my hand and noticed the stone and mount were gone.  Not just the tiny chips on my engagement band, but the main marquis cut diamond that I’d worn for thirty-seven years.  Talk about turning your hotel and car upside down!  I searched and searched for it to no avail.  It had simply fallen off and disappeared somewhere and I knew not where.  
As the wearer of my diamond, I thought about how I treated it and wondered if perhaps the cause of losing my treasured ring was because:
1. I took for granted that it would always be there.
2. I didn’t make sure it was in tact and secure
3. I sometimes was careless in the treatment of it, bumping it against other objects and getting it dirty
As I reflected on these reasons, God reminded me that His word is like a diamond, rare and priceless.  In order to keep from losing His precious gift to us, we need to spend time reading it, meditating on it, worshipping it, and making it a part of our heart, mind and soul. 
Psalm 119:10 says, “I have tried my best to find you.”  What is our best?  To me, it means putting Him first, giving Him the best of my mind when it is fresh and able to be renewed (whether that is in the morning or putting soft music on after having a bath and meditating on His word snuggled on the sofa at the end of the day).  
The scripture continues saying, “Don’t let me wander off from your instructions.”  When we choose not to read God’s word, eventually it wanders away from us.  It’s like someone who has learned to play the piano as a young child.  Perhaps they took years of lessons, but as they grew older they stopped playing because other interests became more important.  One day, they try to sit down at the piano to play a song and they discover that their fingers have forgotten which notes to play.
Psalm 119:11a says, “I have thought much about your words…” Do you think about God’s word?  When you read the Bible, do you take the time to really understand what you are reading?  Do you journal, use commentaries and study guides or other Christian material to help you immerse yourself in the wisdom God wants you to absorb? 
Psalm 119:11b ends by saying, “and stored them in my heart so they would hold me back from sin.”  How do you hold back sin?  By keeping in constant relationship with God by prayer, memorizing scripture, singing songs of praise to worship Him and enriching ourselves with jewels of wisdom from learning God’s word with others.  The more we grow, the more we flow with love and maturity in Christ.  The more mature we become, the deeper our communion with God.
Just like the parable of the woman who had ten silver coins and lost one, I encourage you to light your lamp, sweep your entire house (rid yourself of any distractions) and search carefully (God’s word) until you find it.  “And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.” Luke 16:9  
Prayer: “Lord, thank You for Your inspired word, for giving us a treasure that’s worth more than gold.  Thank You for being the Alpha and Omega, for providing the true bread that only satisfies.  Help us to yearn for You, to find You and keep our hearts secure in You, never taking You for granted, but staying close to You.  We love You, Lord.  In Your precious and holy name…so be it. “
Encouragement: Until God’s Word becomes a Picture that you can see, it cannot become a reality in which you can feature.– Benjamin Suulola
Written by: Marion Smith

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