Monday, February 19, 2018

Three Part Harmony

His Word: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.   Romans 12:12
Observation & Obedience: The whole focus of Romans 12 is personal responsibility in living the Christian life. Paul is giving practical tips on how to be best prepared for the trials and temptations that life brings. 
He urges us not to conform to the world and its selfishness and corruption but keep renewing our mind by redirecting our focus and attention on what is good and godly (v.2). 
As members of the body of Christ, God has given each one of us special gifts, none better than the other, to be used to complete the work he has for us. Paul warns us in verse 3, not to get too proud of ourselves.
Our love must be sincere, not fake; by hating what is evil and holding onto what is good (v. 9). We are to be devoted to the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ and honor them above ourselves. Serve God with zeal and excitement, counting it a privilege, not a duty. Practice hospitality and share with those in need. Bless those who persecute us (vs. 10-14).
He wraps up chapter 12 with short and concise instructions: Live in peace and harmony. Do not be proud. Do not be conceited. (Do you see a repetition of this one particular vice?) Do not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good (vs. 16-21).
Right in the middle of the chapter though, he presents a three point sermon spoken directly to us as a foretelling of what the Christian life will bring. The majority of this passage deals with our relationships and responses to other people, but verse 12 is for us to apply personally.
Be joyful in hopeHope is defined as “to desire something with confident expectation of its fulfillment.”  We are to be confidently joyful, not fretful, when we don’t yet have what we so strongly desire.
Be patient in affliction: Affliction is defined as “great suffering that produces sorrow.” We must understand that suffering is for a season; so we need to be patient. And it’s always for a reason; to bring us closer to God. 
Be faithful in prayer: While we’re waiting with joyful hope, waiting for our afflictions and sufferings to lessen, we are to be faithful in prayer. These actions show our loyalty and trust in God when things don’t make sense!
Jesus gave hope to his disciples just days before his crucifixion, knowing full well what they would encounter after his death. Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy (John 16:20).
We are given the same encouragement when we face the difficult times this life brings. Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning(Psalm 30:5 NLT).
How are you demonstrating your hope? Are you joyful in it? Are you lashing out to God because of an affliction that doesn’t seem to ever go away? Are you being faithful in prayer or have you given up? 
Prayer: “Dear God, you never promised me an easy life. You told me in your Word that I would encounter hard times. We live in a sinful world and life is not fair. But you are. You have promised to give me hope and joy in the midst of my suffering. It’s simply my choice how I handle the “tests” of this life. I may not pass the test the first time around, but you are a gracious teacher and let us take it over until we do pass.  Thanks! Amen.”
Encouragement: You are never without hope because you are never without prayer.   Max Lucado
Don’t let a season in your life define your lifetime.

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